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RISE College


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Our all courses are recognized by HEC and Govt. of Pakistan.



New Student Application

Good institutions are built on the effort of good people, and I am honored to admit that our teachers, management and students are among the very best in Pakistan. Download copy of printed prospectus for all programs here for admissions in 2019-2020 academic session.

Download Prospectus
Rise was established in 2008. IT started its journey with 13 teachers and 205 students . Now it has expanded to network of 5 campuses in 3 major cities of pakistan. Number of teachers has grown to 176 and stduents to more than 15000. The main objective of our institute is to foster national development through creation of an educated and knowledgeable society by providing quality education to the people of pakistan. With rapidly changing socioeconomic conditions of the country, the world becoming a global village and the opportunities arising out of free market economy. our objectives are to not just to provide quality excellent technical, business and social education for our youth but to also provide high quality educational and career counseling

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